
Talking About Eye-Related Health Problems

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Talking About Eye-Related Health Problems

Hello, my name is Gary May. Welcome to my site about health conditions affecting the eyes. The old saying goes that eyes are the windows to the soul. However, eyes are also the windows to various organs throughout the body. Problems in those organs often present in remarkable ways in the eyes. Eye doctors can pinpoint the health condition by performing an exam using a specially designed scope. Furthermore, eyes also act as our windows to the world beyond our being. Health conditions that affect the eyes can often worsen and cause the patient to lose their ability to see clearly. I would like to discuss all of these health conditions in more detail on this site. I hope you will come back again soon. Thanks.


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How Your Eyes Change As You Age

Most eye doctors recommend annual checkups for people of all ages. However, many young people skip these visits if they don't have any vision problems. As you age, you might start encountering more eye problems, which is completely normal. In fact, you should expect your eyes to change as you age. But, what changes can you expect? Here are some typical things that might occur to your eyes as you age.

Vision loss  

Most people begin experiencing trouble seeing things that are close as they age. For example, you might notice this when reading small print. As you age, it gets harder to see close-up things. Eye doctors call this condition presbyopia. This vision problem tends to start happening when a person reaches their 40s, but it can happen before that. If you have trouble seeing close-up and are middle-aged, you might suffer from this condition. You can get eyeglasses for reading if you need them, but you can also purchase "cheaters" from a local drug store.


Secondly, you might experience dryness in your eyes as you age. This generally occurs when the tear glands stop functioning properly. If you have dry eyes, you can use eye drops to soothe them and add the moisture they need. You might also want to talk to your eye doctor about this issue if it bothers you a lot. You should try to avoid rubbing your eyes when they become dry, as this might further irritate them.

Light sensitivity

It's also common for people to experience more sensitivity to light. As a result, you might need to wear sunglasses when you're outside. You might also have trouble driving at night, as the light from headlights might irritate your eyes more than they did when you were younger. If you're experiencing this issue, talk to your eye doctor. Your eye doctor will examine your eyes to ensure that they are healthy.


Finally, you have a higher risk of developing cataracts as you age. A cataract might occur with one eye or both, but it can cause vision problems. Cataracts are film that covers the eye, preventing you from seeing clearly. Your eye doctor might recommend cataract surgery to remove your cataracts if they're causing problems.

Visit an eye doctor

When you visit an eye doctor, they'll examine your eyes to ensure that you can see well. They'll also check for eye diseases and other problems that might require treatment.